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Sugar is everywhere and it's

damaging our health!


Sugar is a toxin that overloads our liver, causes inflammation in the body and increases our risk of developing certain symptoms, diseases and medical conditions.


The problem is, that it has been added to so many of our food and drink products that we overconsume it far to easily.

Reducing sugar in your diet is one of the simplest ways to clean up your nutrition and boost your health.


Who is this workshop for?

Does any of the following resonate with you?


You have a sweet tooth & can't resist sweet treats

You get irritable or hangry when you don't get your sugar fix

You feel sleepy, lethargic or tired after you eat a meal or snack

You have been riding the sugar roller coaster and want to get off of it

You are perimenopausal or postmenopausal and having hot flashes and night sweats

You have stubborn belly fat that just won't shift

You are struggling with weight management and want to lose weight

You want to reduce inflammation in your body

You want to balance your blood sugar better

You are prediabetic

You have been told that you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes

You are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes

You eat a generally healthy diet but want to reduce your sugar consumption

You want to learn more about how sugar negatively affects your health


If your answer is yes, then this workshop is for you!



Strategies that work

  • Understand how sugar negatively affects your health and help yourself identify your intrinsic drive, so that you can quit sugar.

  • Learn exactly which sugars are ‘good’ and ‘bad’, how to identify hidden sugars in food and which healthier options to replace them with.

  • Choose alternative foods and habits to add healthier sweetness to your life.

  • Reset your palate so that you can ditch your sweet tooth.

  • Rewire your desire for sweet treats so that you have less cravings for sugar and more control.


Who am I and how can I help you?

Hi my name is Maria Hilliard. 

For a while there I was addicted to my daily sugar fix, I couldn’t stop myself from reaching for a cookie or slice of cake once when I had my cup of tea, because that was my daily habit- my reward for getting through the day, even though I knew it wasn’t doing me any good. 

I think everyone has those days (or months or years) but those days are now over for me. 


Because when I learnt about how destructive sugar is to our cells and energy levels, I made the connection between my mood swings, stubborn belly fat, energy dips, hot flashes, insatiable thirst, and digestive issues and inflammatory conditions- I know the list goes on right?


So, I made the choice to kick sugar to the curb. And with my background in combining science-backed, holistic wellness solutions, I created the most effective method to make long lasting change both manageable and successful for you.


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By-the-way, I am an NHS Health & Wellbeing Coach, Women Wellness Coach, Health Educator, Clinical Weightloss Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist, Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Peri/Postmenpause specialist, Pre/Postnatal specialist, Yoga Instructor, Barre Instructor and Bellydance Instructor, amongst other things. 
So, you can rest assured that you are in good hands!


So, my days of riding the sugar roller coaster are well and truly over and I’m here to support you in ending yours as well. Because I love that liberating feeling of not having to rely on something external or unhealthy to make me feel good and I believe that you will too!

By the end of this workshop you will...
  • Visualise your personal transformation pathway so that you are deeply motivated to take action and be committed to quitting sugar.

  • Uncover your personal relationship with sugar and sugar fuelled habits, so that you can unpack your sweet tooth triggers.

  • Carry out a kitchen audit, create a shopping list and compile a meal plan to make sugar free consumption much tastier and easier.

  • Replace your current sweet treat habits with more rewarding and healthier ones.

  • Reframe your sugar reward responses so that sugar is much less appealing to you.

The workshop will include:


  • Informative videos that explain the theory of sugar consumption so that you know exactly why you should quit sugar and how to do it.

  • A step-by-step guide & workbook to help you take cumulative steps to make quitting sugar realistic and achievable.

  • Useful PDF guides & cheat sheet so that you know exactly which sugars to avoid and what to replace them with.

  • 15 healthy sweet treat recipes so that you have tasty alternatives and don’t feel deprived.

  • BONUS: a guided hypnosis audio MP3 to help you unpack your subconscious sugar responses and fast track your break-up with sugar.

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5 Experiential/practical strategies

Identify your intrinsic drive- visualise your personal transformation pathway

Uncover your sugar story- unpack your sweet tooth triggers, habits & rewards

Fix your physiology- balance your blood sugar with nutrition.

Support healthier habits- audit your nutrition

Reframe your reward responses - rewire your rewards

Workshop Resources

What's included?
3 Video Sections
Section 1: How sugar affects your health

Section 2: The sugar roller coaster

Section 3: How to quit sugar & ditch your sweet tooth strategies



7 Resources 

1x Quit sugar & ditch your sweet tooth workbook

What you should be eating guide

Foods That Contain Hidden Sugars cheatsheet

'Good & bad' sugars cheatsheet

Alternate names of sugar cheatsheet

15 Healthy sweet treat recipes

Healthy sweet food shopping list


 1 Bonus Content 
1 x Quit sugar hypnosis MP3


Sign up now and enhance your health!



Just like you, I am a savvy spender. I know that it can be hard to find the resources to spend on yourself, that is why I have priced this life enhancing workshop so reasonably.


You can get this step-by-step workshop for just £27


So don’t struggle on alone, make the transition simple and successful!


Yes, You can do this!

Yes, You can kick your sweet tooth to the curb, even is if it feels like your sweet tooth controls you, and you can't imagine getting through the day without your sweet treat fix. Because this strategy is not about deprivation, it is about recognising that we all need sweetness in our lives and how you add that sweetness without damaging your health.

Yes, You can finally get off of the sugar roller coaster, even if you have tried to many times before and failed. Because this strategy is not just about will power. It is about a powerful multi layered holistic approach that combines the most effective strategies from nutritional therapy, health coaching and behaviour change. It has worked for other women and it can work for you too!
Yes, You can afford to treat yourself to this course even if it means ditching the daily sweet treat, magazines & coffees, selling some junk on ebay, hinting for an early birthday or Christmas gift or begging someone who loves you to hook you up. Because you know that quitting sugar is the key to boosting your health and vitality, and there is no better investment that your wellbeing. 

Here's what will happen when you purchase

Receive access

Within minutes of your purchase, you will receive a welcome email providing you with the workshop portal access details. So that you can  get started.

take action

Apply the strategies, use the workbook and resources so that you can start to make lifestyle changes, see results, and reap the benefits.

take action!

If you would like my personal support to help you on this journey, then email me to find out how you can purchase a 1-1 coaching session package.


How do I access the online workshop?
The workshop is delivered entirely online, so once you join you receive an email that will provide you with the link to access the workshop contentYou will have lifetime access to the content thereafter.


Will I receive support?


Yes, when you purchase the workshop you will have access to an online learning portal where you can send me a message at any time or email me at

What equipment do I need to be able to take part?

You will need access to the internet via a phone, laptop or PC.


I have tried lots of other methods to quit sugar methods which didn't work. Will this workshop help me?

This workshop is packed full of the most effective strategies to help you quit sugar. It combines nutritional therapy, behavioural change coaching, health coaching techniques and practical strategies to provide you with a powerful transformational journey. You will definitely be able to take away some value that will help you quit sugar and ditch your sweet tooth. But you have to do the work and carry out the steps outlined in the workshop to get the best results.


Can I share the content with someone else?


No, I must protect the investment of you, other participants who have purchased the workshop and myself, as a business owner. So, if you find the content valuable then please do not share the content and instead, encourage others to invest in their own wellness by purchasing it themselves.


What if I purchase the workshop and then change my mind, can I get a refund?


No, I do not offer refunds because the content is online and accessible immediately. I suggest that you only purchase the workshop if you are committed to quitting sugar and believe that this workshop will help you.

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